The acronym ALODI stands for Alokolum Development Initiative, a project located in Alokolum, a community in the remote suburb of Gulu City in Northern Uganda. The term Development was initially coined to connote personal material, economic and infrastructural development in the context of dwindling employment opportunities, especially for the young people in Alokolum community. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the need became even greater with the loss of livelihoods due the lock-down and travel restrictions, further compounded by the global economic recession. The more recent spill-over effect of the Ukraine War and the heat waves experienced as a result of global warming only came to further aggravate the situation. Subsequently, the concept of Development Initiative has now been broadened to encompass not just livelihoods but also welfare and social services, capacity development, social and behavioural change, protection from all forms of harm and abuse, and the basic elements of Climate Action within the means of the members of the community, in contribution to the overall global efforts.
ALODI Company Limited by Guarantee was registered under the Companies Act of the Republic of Uganda in 2012 (registration number 151233), but has practically remained inactive since then. The revival of the company in August 2023 comes at a time when the Alokolum community is at the brink of total disintegration under the multiple negative socio-economic and environmental factors, as described above, that they have been confronted with for almost a decade now.
Governance and Administrative Structure
ALODI Ltd shall be governed by a Board of Directors of not more that 15 members, a Company Secretary and a Chief Executive, and Members by virtue of registration or appointment. At the discretion of the Board, there shall also be an Accountant/Finance Manager, Company Lawyer, Office Secretary and other support staff, and Technical Officers/Advisors/Consultants for each of the thematic areas as defined above.
Financial Overview
ALODI’s main sources of income will include: membership fees and annual subscriptions; community contributions; revenue from service fees and rental/disposal of assets; donations from philanthropies and other private supporters, Government contributions. ALODI’s Annual Budget was estimated in 2012 at Uganda Shillings 550,000,000 equivalent to approximately US Dollars 250,000 at the time. However, due to the escalated global economic recession and progressive inflation, this figure is bound to be significantly higher. The Proposal on Environmental Conservation alone has a three-year budget of USD 1,877,000 (USD 623,750 in year one, USD 669,000 in year two, and USD 584,250 in year three respectively).
Dr. Acaye Geoffrey | Chief Executive | Alodi Limited